I like the ideal of the elemental weapons. Make it so the team can see it, but perhaps reduce the range and/or duration. I'd also like to see more team utility in the current radar/wall hacks/whatever you wanna call them. I'd rather you buff the slow abilities, so that they deal damage over time, things like net with 200 base damage (as is currently) + a bleed for an additional amount. The free damage isn't needed either, and putting in random slows or radar-like 'free' mechanics takes away from what this Royale game is about, the abilities.

System over all: There's already a shit load of RNG, make it less, not more.

Assuming damage over time still cancels out invis and shows the damage ticks through walls. Spirit: Burning does essentially the same thing, minus showing teammates where the hit enemy is moving behind walls. Adding in any amount of slow on weapons is just free CC once you land a hit, and isn't right. Keep slows specific to the abilities that already provide them so that they are still unique. Burning: Legendary weapons don't need more damage, ttk is already questionably too fastįrost: Doesn't matter the number, just no.