The beauty of Oblivion’s sandbox world is that there’s a nook for everyone-a place to return to, whether out of a desire to recapture the magic of earlier memories, to fill your hard drive with near-identical screenshots, or just to play Sim Cyrodiil in one of the houses. Thanks to the aforementioned quest, you get the chance to bump off a grave-robbing pal of Thoronir and keep his swish house for yourself. With a few lockpicks and even fewer morals, a lavish home in the posh part of the city can be yours.

Desiring somewhere plush and relaxing to lay my head, I always shun the crappy waterfront for richer pickings among the city’s elite. The city’s rich, well-decorated interiors and architectural flourishes are just too much of a draw for the snob in me. Vanilla, yes, but who cares when you want an easy life and a free house? Nevertheless, I enjoy what few quests do exist, especially the early challenge of investigating crooked merchant Thoronir. Despite the various guild missions, there isn’t much to do. The same nostalgia shields the place from harsher criticism, especially as far as the scarcity of quests goes. Those early days, scraping by and gathering enough cash to buy arrows or upgrade a piece of armour, were formative and the bedrock of my fond memories of a superb game.

With little money and a lightweight (read: flimsy) character, I spent much of my time in the Imperial Market district, gleefully looting crates and barrels for cloth, silverware, and whatever else I could sell for a few gold. Nostalgia plays a huge role in why I love the city-it was my first port of call and supported my idle wanderings for a long time.